Latest News

  • Royal Devon Governor elections 2024
    Want to make a difference for your community? Become a governor The Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is looking for people to bring the voices of their communities to the Trust by nominating themselves to be a public governor. What is a governor? Governors share their feedback with members of the Board of… Read more: Royal Devon Governor elections 2024
  • Spring Covid Immunisation Walk in Clinics
    For those who are eligible for Covid vaccination this spring and have not yet received one, there are a number of clinics available in the area in June. The vaccination is available to immunosuppressed or over 75’s (you need to be 75 years old by 30 June 2024) only. Please check the NHS Covid website… Read more: Spring Covid Immunisation Walk in Clinics
  • Heart Failure Awareness Week 6th – 12th May
    This week is Heart Failure Awareness Week. There are 1 million people in the UK with a diagnosis of heart failure. However, there are also approximately 400K undiagnosed cases. Please watch the video for more information on detecting the undetected. FindMe #DetectingTheUndetected#HFAW2024
  • Spring May Day Bank Holiday
  • Covid Spring Booster – Eligibility
    We have had quite a few calls from patients who have not received a Covid spring booster invitation, but have done in the past and were expecting to be invited. At this time the NHS have advised they are only offering the spring Covid booster to the following 3 groups: 1) Patients who are Immunosuppressed… Read more: Covid Spring Booster – Eligibility
  • Covid Spring 2024 booster update
    We have started to send out text messages with a booking link to our patients who are eligible for the spring 2024 Covid booster and signed up for SMS messaging. Please use the booking link if at all possible to book your appointment as the phone lines are very busy. We have also sent out… Read more: Covid Spring 2024 booster update
  • AAA Screening
  • Covid Spring 2024 Boosters
    We will be offering COVID-19 Vaccinations to our eligible patients this spring, and will be running clinics at The Medical Centre in Ilfracombe in May. Invites with booking link will be sent via text message soon so please look out for this & ensure you book your appointment using the booking link within 7 days… Read more: Covid Spring 2024 Boosters
  • Pharmacy First
  • Wellbeing Wednesday run by our Health & Wellbeing team
  • Memory Cafe Ilfracombe, being run by our Health & Wellbeing Team
  • Bowel Screening
    NHS bowel cancer screening checks if you could have bowel cancer. It’s available to everyone aged 60 to 74 years. The programme is expanding to make it available to everyone aged 50 to 59 years. This is happening gradually over 4 years and started in April 2021. You use a home test kit, called a… Read more: Bowel Screening
  • New online booking system for Devon Sexual Health patients
    Patients can now book and manage appointments online for sexual health clinics in Exeter, Barnstaple, Tiverton and Holsworthy by registering for a Personal Health Record (PHR). The PHR is quick to use, and allows patients to easily book and cancel appointments via the Devon Sexual Health website. You can register at: Online booking will… Read more: New online booking system for Devon Sexual Health patients
  • Returning unused medical equipment.
    Do you have any medical equipment at home such as walking frames or crutches?
  • Diabetes Survey
  • Winter vaccination service
    National booking system closes for winter vaccination programme on 15 December People are being reminded to get their winter jabs with online bookings closing for COVID and Flu vaccines in a few days time.  The NHS is urging anyone in the South West still eligible for these vaccines to book an appointment and get potentially lifesaving… Read more: Winter vaccination service
  • Updating details on NHS App.
    We are making changes to a lot of our processes for contacting patients, by sending text messages instead of letters. This is to help reduce costs to the NHS, as well as making it easier for patients to get information back to us. If you have downloaded and use the NHS App and your mobile… Read more: Updating details on NHS App.
  • Stoptober – Stop Smoking This October
    Combe Coastal Practice can help you Quit Smoking this October. Please get in touch to book a smoke stop appointment with one of our nurses. WHEN YOU STOP SMOKING, GOOD THINGS START TO HAPPEN Stoptober is back, calling on smokers in England to join the 2.5 million others who have made a quit attempt with… Read more: Stoptober – Stop Smoking This October
  • Out of Area Re-Registrations
    Please note that if you have been sent a letter and feel that your address is within our catchment area (see map below – area in yellow only is covered by Combe Coastal Practice) please do get in touch. Please be aware that if you are planning to move back into the area soon, we… Read more: Out of Area Re-Registrations
  • Request to change Gps
    We do not encourage our patients to change GP without exceptional circumstances as we feel remaining with the same GP where possible provides better continuity of care. If you feel that you can not continue your care with your allocated GP, Please write or email us, for the attention of the management team, giving full… Read more: Request to change Gps
  • Opening of the refurbished Woolacombe Medical Centre
    The refurbished Woolacombe Medical Centre was officially reopened last week after 5 years of working alongside our numerous health partners and community.  The Management Team, Woolacombe GP Partner, Members of Mortehoe Parish Council and locals attended an Open Day and officially reopened the building on the 16th August 2023. Woolacombe Medical Centre is part of… Read more: Opening of the refurbished Woolacombe Medical Centre
  • Flu Vaccinations coming soon…
    Our main Flu clinics are available on Saturday 30th September & Saturday 14th October in Ilfracombe and 4th October in Combe Martin. We will be sending out staggered Flu Vaccination invitations via text message to our eligible patients next week. If you receive a text invite, please try to book your flu vaccination as soon… Read more: Flu Vaccinations coming soon…
  • 2023 Patient Survey Results
    We are pleased to announce that our Patient Survey results are in and we have once again exceeded the National Average across all areas covered, but also exceeded the One Devon ICS Average, with an excellent 92% good overall experience. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey.
    Weight management service for men. This 10 week course is available to all men aged 18-75 with a current BMI of 25 or over who have NOT already taken part in a previous GUTLESS course. GUTLESS is a weight loss and behavior change course designed by and for MEN.  We will be contacting our patients via… Read more: GUTLESS
  • Bowel Screening
    NHS bowel cancer screening checks if you could have bowel cancer. It’s available to everyone aged 60 to 74 years. The programme is expanding to make it available to everyone aged 50 to 59 years. This is happening gradually over 4 years and started in April 2021. You use a home test kit, called a… Read more: Bowel Screening
  • Well-being Team referrals
  • 361 Community Energy
  • Beezee Bodies – Text message
  • Help us to Help You
    Don’t carry the worry of cancer with you, if something in your body doesn’t feel right contact your GP practice. To rule out cancer, your GP may refer you for tests. Whatever the result, your NHS is here for you. Tests could put your mind at rest. Until you find out, you can’t rule it… Read more: Help us to Help You
  • Routine Appointments
    A reminder to all our patients that we are able to book GP & Nurse appointments up to 4 weeks in advance and ask that any routine appointment please be booked in advance so that our same day appointments can be given to urgent problems. We are offering face to face appointments with GPs as… Read more: Routine Appointments
  • Handi App
    We just wanted to share this incredibly useful resource for parents/guardians who may be caring for an unwell child this winter.  Developed and approved by Paediatric Consultants, the HANDi App provides expert advice on how best to manage the six most common childhood illnesses; diarrhoea and vomiting, high temperature, chestiness (baby and child), newborn problems… Read more: Handi App
  • Scarlet Fever
    Please see below for useful advice relating to scarlet fever – This link includes useful photos for identifying the condition as well as outlining when you should contact your GP. The first signs of scarlet fever can be flu-like symptoms, including a high temperature, a sore throat and swollen neck glands (a large lump… Read more: Scarlet Fever
  • Admiral Nursing Service
    The Admiral Nursing service currently consists of 2 Admiral Nurses as well as an acute Delirium Nurse and they are located at the North Devon District Hospital in Barnstaple. the role of the Admiral Nurse’s are to support the families/carers of those patients living with dementia and also support the person with dementia. They also… Read more: Admiral Nursing Service
  • HANDi Paediatric App
    Not sure what to do when your child is unwell? Download the free HANDi Paediatric app, which is available right across Devon, and get expert advice on childhood illness when you need it. Search for ‘HANDi app’ on Apple or Android, or click the link below for further information:
  • Patient Triage Coming to the NHS App
    We are delighted to announce that the new Patient Triage online consultation service is coming to the NHS App soon. Visit the patient triage article on our website at: For information on what Patient triage is. Keep an eye on our website news page for updates
  • Launch of Epic & MY CARE
    Please see below some exciting news from North Devon Healthcare Trust regarding the launch of Epic across north Devon this weekend and the upcoming MY CARE patient app. New electronic patient record system to rollout from Eastern to Northern Devon this weekend In the early hours of Saturday 9 July 2022, the Royal Devon University… Read more: Launch of Epic & MY CARE
  • MIU Tyrrell
  • Hospital Referrals
    Due to the long wait times for many hospital services, MyHealth Devon have put together a useful letter which will be sent out to all NEW patients referred through Devon Referral Support Services and provides useful contact details should you need to enquire regarding your referral. We would be grateful if any patients awaiting referral… Read more: Hospital Referrals
  • Fire Safety at home
  • New Patient Triage service
    We are delighted to announce we are in the process or transferring our online patient triage service from eConsult, to Patient Triage by AccuRx. This new Patient Triage service will provide the same service to contact your GP online, or another member of the team and will usually be actioned within 3 days (often sooner).… Read more: New Patient Triage service
  • The Fern Centre
    Please find below the Fern Centre April newsletter
  • Local people’s experiences of Devon GP practices
  • Hospital Referrals & Delays:
    A reminder to our patients that the Combe Coastal practice can not chase hospital referrals. If you have been referred to the hospital on a routine basis, please be aware that there are currently significant delays for many departments. Your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted when a… Read more: Hospital Referrals & Delays:
  • Major independent survey of Devon patients provides ‘massive vote of confidence’ for GP services
    An independent survey of 17,000 people in Devon has shown overwhelming public backing for the county’s GP surgeries, with nearly nine in ten respondents reporting a good experience of their practice. The study, by Ipsos Mori, also found that GP practices in Devon consistently performed better than the England average, and supports other recent research… Read more: Major independent survey of Devon patients provides ‘massive vote of confidence’ for GP services
  • Combe Coastal Update regarding the National Data Opt-Out
    As you may be aware there is a lot of media attention and public uncertainty regarding what the National Data Opt out is and how you protect your data.  We updated our Website with the most relevant information to try and give you the correct information in order for you to make an informed choice.… Read more: Combe Coastal Update regarding the National Data Opt-Out
  • NHS App
    We are getting a lot of queries regarding the NHS App. Please note that this app is not designed or managed by the Combe Coastal Practice and we are unable to manage passwords, set up or provide support. If you are experiencing problems with the NHS app then you will need to seek help through… Read more: NHS App
  • New campaign video from the IGPM calls for end to abuse from patients
    “If I die, it will be your fault,” is just one of the many abusive comments heard by GP reception staff throughout the UK. The survey of 571 PMs*, featured on the forum yesterday, revealed more than 75% of staff suffer daily abuse from patients. With the majority (78%) facing threatening behaviour, racist or sexist… Read more: New campaign video from the IGPM calls for end to abuse from patients
  • Ladywell Counselling Service
  • Mental Wellbeing for Children & Young People
    Check out “Kooth for Children & Young People (Captioned)” from Kooth on Vimeo. The video is available for your viewing pleasure at If you like this video, make sure you share it, too!
  • Find my NHS number
    A new service is now live to help find people find their NHS number. This service is for anyone living in England who has forgotten or does not know their NHS number. This service can also be used on behalf of someone else where the name, date of birth and registered home postcode is known.… Read more: Find my NHS number
  • Call 111 First
  • Know your body – Spot cancer early
  • Wig fitting service at the Fern Centre NDDH
  • My Sunrise App – support for anyone living with cancer.
    This is a message from Northern Devon Healthcare Trust (NDHT) We would like to let you know about a new free app that we have developed to help prepare and support patients before, during and after cancer treatment. My sunrise North Devon provides a complete up-to-date information and reference tool for cancer patients and their… Read more: My Sunrise App – support for anyone living with cancer.
  • Information regarding Flu Vaccination for 50 – 64 Year Olds
    Whilst we’ve received information that all 50-64 year olds may be eligible for a free flu vaccination as part of plans to protect more people against seasonal flu, these free vaccinations will be subject to delivery later in the year. This allows us to focus on those who are in an at risk group, such… Read more: Information regarding Flu Vaccination for 50 – 64 Year Olds
  • Email accounts
    A reminder to our patients that we unfortunately can not accept new queries or consultation advice via email. Our enquiries email address is strictly for sending information to us that a GP has requested. If you would like to speak with a GP, please contact the surgery on 01271 863119 and we will be happy… Read more: Email accounts
  • Drop-in cervical screening service to re-open at NDDH
    The drop-in cervical screening service will re-open this week at North Devon District Hospital (NDDH), giving women more options for getting this quick and important test done. From tomorrow, Tuesday 30 June, women will be able to drop in for their screening (smear test) on Tuesday evenings, 5.30pm-7.30pm, at Petter Day Treatment Unit in the… Read more: Drop-in cervical screening service to re-open at NDDH
  • NHS App
    eConsult is now available to use through the NHS App – Get help and support from you GP online safely from the comfort of your home. Visit the NHS website for further details and to download the app.
  • NSPCC Helpline
  • Child Vaccinations
  • Manage your health and wellbeing at home
    The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak means you should only leave your home if it’s essential, unless you feel very unwell or you are told to attend an existing appointment for on-going treatment. While you are at home it’s still easy to get NHS help using your smartphone, tablet or computer. There is a useful online page… Read more: Manage your health and wellbeing at home
  • Batch Prescriptions
    If you receive regular or repeat medicines then you might be suitable for our batch prescription service. Batch prescriptions can also save time and money for your GP practice, pharmacy and the NHS. Phone the surgery on 01271 863119, or email us a request to [email protected] to see if we can sign your up for… Read more: Batch Prescriptions
  • Medical Certificates / Sick Notes
    Dear Combe Coastal Patients, During the Corona Virus outbreak the healthcare system is under increasing pressure. We have to prioritise clinical care during this time and do not have capacity to provide medical certificates for people who are simply following national guidance. The national guidance on self-isolation is updated daily and can be found on… Read more: Medical Certificates / Sick Notes
  • Patients urged to cancel appointments rather than just not show up.
    More than 15 million general practice appointments are being wasted each year because patients do not turn up and fail to warn surgeries that they will not be attending. There are around 307 million sessions scheduled with GPs, nurses, therapists and other practice staff every year and 5% – one in twenty – are missed… Read more: Patients urged to cancel appointments rather than just not show up.
  • New drop-in cervical screening to launch at North Devon District Hospital this week
    The new drop-in cervical screening service at NDDH starts this week on Tuesday 7 January 2020. The drop-in cervical screening (smear test) service will be available every Tuesday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, Petter Day Treatment Unit, Ladywell Unit. When women get their get their cervical screening invitation, they can now choose to book an appointment… Read more: New drop-in cervical screening to launch at North Devon District Hospital this week
    Norovirus is a highly contagious stomach bug that causes diarrhoea and vomiting. Most people will recover within a few days and can return to work or school. However if norovirus is introduced unintentionally into care homes, doctors surgeries and hospitals by  patients and visitors it can cause chaos, making it difficult for healthcare workers to… Read more: NOROVIRUS
  • Early morning, evening and weekend appointments now available for North Devon Patients – Improved Access Service
    As you may have heard, nationally GPs are being asked to offer their patients appointments outside of normal hours.  The aim of the GP Improved Access Service is to make it easier for people to get an appointment at a time that suits them. This includes early morning, evening and weekend appointments. In North Devon,… Read more: Early morning, evening and weekend appointments now available for North Devon Patients – Improved Access Service
  • Support Your Surgery
  • Contact Details
    Are your contact details up to date?  Particularly your mobile number? From time to time we may need to contact you quickly about your appointment or medication and if your details are out of date it can mean there is a delay.  Check your details with the receptionist the next time you’re in the surgery… Read more: Contact Details
  • Talkworks
    In May the Depression and Anxiety Service changed its name to TALKWORKS.  TALKWORKS also incorporates the Talking Health Team – the specialist team working with people with long term health conditions. TALKWORKS is the local delivery of the national IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapy) programme across Devon, excluding Plymouth. TALKWORKS is a primary care… Read more: Talkworks
  • What are Patient Participation Groups?
    Get Involved Did you know that every GP practice in England must have a Patient Participation Group (PPG)? PPGs are groups of active volunteer patients working in partnership with practice staff and GPs. This unique partnership between patients and their practices is essential to achieving high quality and responsive care. Groups meet face to face… Read more: What are Patient Participation Groups?
  • New NHS App
    If you’re a patient at our practice you can now use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical… Read more: New NHS App
  • Green Impact
    Combe Coastal Practice has enrolled in the Green Impact for Health Project! This is a scheme that has been developed for General Practice by the National Union of Students and is supported by the University of Bristol, NHS Health Education South West and the Severn Faculty of the RCGP. The aim of the project is… Read more: Green Impact
  • Cancer Support Groups
    Two new cancer support groups are now available in Ilfracombe.  Details are on the posters below:
  • Vista Wellbeing
    Or visit their Facebook page for more information at:    
  • Early morning, evening and weekend appointments now available for North Devon Patients – ‘Improved Access Service’
    As you may have heard, nationally GPs are being asked to offer their patients appointments outside of normal hours.  The aim of the GP Improved Access Service is to make it easier for people to get an appointment at a time that suits them. This includes early morning, evening and weekend appointments. In North Devon,… Read more: Early morning, evening and weekend appointments now available for North Devon Patients – ‘Improved Access Service’
  • Keep Antibiotics Working
    We need your help to keep Antibiotics working. Antibiotic resistance is a major threat to public health. It is estimated that 5,000 deaths are caused every year in England because antibiotics no longer work for some infections and this figure is expected to rise. Antibiotics help ward off infections during chemotherapy, caesarean sections and other… Read more: Keep Antibiotics Working
  • Organ Donation
    Right now across the UK, there are around 6,500 people in need of an organ transplant, including around 150 children and teenagers. On average three people die every day in need of an organ transplant because there just aren’t enough organ donors. We need more people to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register… Read more: Organ Donation