Local Health Record & SCR’s

Making Your Local Health Record Work Better For You

What are we trying to achieve?

Many people think that their GP health record is available to all healthcare professionals involved in their care, but it is not always the case.

At the moment, each professional you see keeps a separate record. This can mean some important information not being communicated between health services as well as it could be.

To help, the SCR was launched along with a local NHS record sharing programme that will make it possible for health professionals to view relevant information about you.

How will a shared record help?

A shared record means that:

  • Your healthcare professionals have the most up to date and accurate information about your health, medications and treatment.
  • You get better advice and safer and more effective care
  • Mistakes can be avoided
  • You will not have to repeat your medical history so often

What information will be shared?

The information shared includes your name, address and date of birth and a summary of your health information including:

  • Diagnosis and test results
  • Any allergies that you have
  • Medications and treatment you receive

How will it work?

The shared record puts you in control. At the start of your treatment, you will be asked for your permission to view your shared record. If you agree, then the health professional will only be able to view the record whilst you are being treated.

You can change your mind at any time during your treatment and withdraw your consent.

Can I say no to a shared record?

You are in control and can choose not to share information with anybody outside your GP surgery. You should contact your surgery if you choose not to have a shared record at all.

Who will be able to see my record?

Only health professionals you give permission to and who are directly involved in your care will be able to view the shared record. This may include staff from:

  • Emergency departments and Minor Injury Units
  • GPs including out of hours GPs
  • Community nurses
  • Physiotherapists and occupational therapists
  • County-wide services such as ambulance services
  • Local hospitals

If you are concerned about sharing sensitive information, please contact your GP surgery or speak to the healthcare professional treating you.

What happens in an emergency?

If someone is unconscious or too unwell to give their permission then the system will allow the healthcare professional to access the shared record without permission – but only in the case of a medical emergency.

How will my information be kept safe?

All information is stored using the most secure technology available and is covered by strict confidentiality guidelines and the Data Protection Act 2018. For security, the shared record is accessed via a secure NHS network, not the internet. For more information email us on [email protected]

How is the local shared record in Devon different to the national Summary Care Record?

The national Summary Care Record is separate and a national initiative which is not connected to the shared care record in Devon. For more information about the national initiatives, you can visit the NHS website: http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland

You have the right to stop information that identifies you from being shared, locally and /or nationally outside of your GP practice.

Where can I find out more?

Our web pages provide detailed information: www.devonccg.nhs.uk   search shared care record or go to our CCG wide projects page under ‘Your CCG’ tab

Where can I find help and support?

If you need help with anything about your health record or the shared health record, or you would like this information in large audio, braille or a different language contact the Patient Advice and Complaints Team at:

Patient Advice and Complaints Team

NHS Northern Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
Freepost EX184
County Hall
Topsham Road

Telephone: 01392 267 665/0300 123 1672
Text for call back: 07789 741 099
Email: [email protected]