Hospital Referrals & Delays:

A reminder to our patients that the Combe Coastal practice can not chase hospital referrals.

If you have been referred to the hospital on a routine basis, please be aware that there are currently significant delays for many departments. Your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted when a date becomes available.

It is not unusual to be waiting over 12 months for a routine appointment, although this differs between departments. This currently includes Routine Xrays and scans which have an 11 month wait.

You can check the current waiting times for the department you have been referred to at the NDDH using the following link:…/hospi…/Services/DefaultView.aspx…

Please do not contact the surgery to check on the progress of your referral.

If you have been contacted to book a hospital appointment, or have had an appointment letter in the post and no longer need this appointment, please contact the hospital directly to cancel.

If you feel your symptoms have got worse, or something has changed, please contact the surgery and book an appointment with your usual GP to discuss.

Private referrals:

For all private referrals, please note that the Combe Coastal practice supply a referral letter to your chosen consultant upon request if appropriate, but it is up to the patient to source and fund their own appointment.

If you are unsure who you wish to see at the time of discussing with your GP and you do not get in touch with the details within 48 hours, your referral letter will be left bank and posted to you to forward on to your chosen consultant.

Please allow up to 2 weeks for your referral to be typed during busy periods.