What are Patient Participation Groups?

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Did you know that every GP practice in England must have a Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

PPGs are groups of active volunteer patients working in partnership with practice staff and GPs. This unique partnership between patients and their practices is essential to achieving high quality and responsive care.

Groups meet face to face with practice staff at mutually agreed intervals. ‘Virtual PPGs’ can also operate alongside ‘real’ groups to enable dialogue with the whole patient population through email, online surveys and social media.

The first PPG was started in 1972 by GPs and there are some PPGs in dental practices and pharmacies.

PPGs work in a unique partnership with their practice built on mutual trust and respect to:

  •     Act as ‘critical friend’ to provide a patients’ perspective ensuring services, plans and activities respond to patients’ needs and priorities.
  •     Foster communication with the wider patient population building stronger patient – doctor relationships
  •     Provide practical support to practice teams e.g. conducting and analysing patient surveys, organising health awareness events.
  •    Encourage those with long term and/ or multiple health conditions to gain confidence in managing and taking control of their health and care.
  •     Help other patients take more responsibility for their health and make informed decisions

The National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P) is uniquely placed as the only UK wide umbrella body for patient-led groups in general practice. A registered charity, N.A.P.P has over 40 years’ experience of promoting and supporting PPGs. Go to www.napp.org.uk to find out more.

Information about Combe Coastal Practice’s Patient Participation Group can be found on our website www.combecoastalpractice.co.uk or alternatively pick up a leaflet from reception.