
How to See Your Doctor

To book an appointment please call us on 01271 863119

Opening Times: Ilfracombe

8:30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.

We also offer appointments after 6:30pm on certain days ask reception for details.  We have a range of Telephone and Face to face appointments available with our GPs.

Opening Times: Combe Martin

8:30am to 12:30pm (closed for lunch). Then 2:00pm to 6:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm on Wednesday (closed in the afternoon).

Opening Times: Woolacombe

8:30am to 1:00pm Monday & Friday (Am only)
8.30am to 12.30pm (closed for lunch) Then 2.00pm to 6:00pm Wednesday

Booking Appointments

You can book an appointment by calling us on 01271 863119 any week day during opening hours. Please call after 11am if your appointment is not urgent. You can also book an appointment by visiting the surgery when it is open. We can book most appointments up to 4 weeks ahead.  If you need an urgent appointment, please call as soon as you can.

When you register at our practice, you will be given a named doctor to look after your care. If this changes for any reason we will try to inform you. We prefer our patients to only see the GP they have been given as this helps them get to know you and your health needs. However we do have Training, or visiting doctors who can help with problems if your doctor is away.

Booking home visits

If you are unable to leave the house (housebound), but need to see a Doctor, please call us before 11am weekdays on 01271 863119 choosing option 1 for appointments, and the team will add you to the visit list. You might be called by a Doctor or Nurse before the visit. For more information please visit: Home-Visits


We will always respect your privacy, dignity and your religious and cultural beliefs particularly when intimate examinations are advisable – these will only be carried out with your express agreement and you will be offered a chaperone to attend the examination if you so wish.

It is your right as a patient to request a chaperone should you wish to do so.  This will normally be a member of the nursing team.

Same Day and Minor Illness Clinic

This is an extra service to our normal Doctor and Nurse appointments and is for problems that have come on suddenly and need urgent help. This is run by Doctors and Nurses.

If you need an urgent appointment the reception team will need to ask you what the problem is so they can decide which type of appointment to give you. You will then be called by a doctor or nurse on the number you give us and they will help you over the phone if they can. If they need you to come into the Surgery, they will tell you when they call.

Telephone Advice

Please contact our reception team and they will arrange for either a doctor or nurse to contact you.


We have a computer in the reception area at Ilfracombe where you can easily put in your name and date of birth and the person you are seeing will be told you have arrived. If you can use this check-in screen, please do so, as it helps us to help other people waiting.


If you cannot make it to your appointment for any reason, please call us as soon as possible to we can free up your appointment for somebody else. If you use the NHS App, you may be able to see and cancel your appointments on there without calling us.

Patients who miss lots of appointments and do not tell us, may be contacted by the management team.