1) Name:
The name of the group shall be the Combe Coastal Practice Patient Participation Group
2) Objectives:
The objectives of the group shall be to promote the development of high quality Health and health promotion services for the benefit of the patients of the Practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions or characteristics of individuals. It aims to do this by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, Health bodies and other persons or organisations concerned with health care to effect improvements for patients within resources available.
The group shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The group shall have power to affiliate to the National Association of Patient Participation Groups and to other organisations with similar charitable objects. The Group shall at all times respect diversity and will be committed to the principles contained within the Equality Act.
3) Membership:
This shall be open to any current patient of the Practice. Any patient may nominate themselves for election to the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting. Removal of a patient from the practice list, for whatever reason, will disqualify continuing membership of the group.
4) Annual General Meeting:
Once in each year, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held at which any patient of the Practice shall be entitled to attend. The date of this meeting shall be advertised in the Practice not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. The meeting shall be for the purpose of reviewing the work of the previous 12 months and considering a work program for the next year.
5) Special General Meeting:
A Special General Meeting shall be held if not less than one third of the voting members of the Patient Participation Membership Group, to the Combe Coastal Practice Deputy Practice Manager. The date of the meeting must be held within 21 days of receipt of a written request.
6) The Executive Committee:
The Annual General Meeting shall elect members of the Executivewho must be patients of the Practice. Any patient can nominate themselves, but they must have been PPG members and attended full PPG meetings for a period of twelve months prior to nomination to the Executive Committee. At each meeting after the Annual General Meeting the Executive Committee shall appoint a Lead Member who will act as Chairperson for that meeting only and hold responsibility for the Chair until the following meeting. A person will be nominated as Secretary for the meeting. The Chairperson will not be a permanent role but merely serve on a meeting by meeting basis and is expected therefore to be shared by all members of the Executive Committee throughout the year. All members of the Executive Committee shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible to be elected. Membership of the Executive Committee shall be terminated immediately in the case of any person who ceases to be a patient of the Practice.
7a) Voting:
The group aims to determine its activities by consensus without the need for voting. This will be reviewed annually to determine whether any change to this approach is necessary.
7b) Quorum:
Where it is agreed by the group that decisions be made on the basis of a vote then one third of members would be the quorum.
8) Minutes:
Minutes shall be kept and the Secretary shall enter a record of all proceedings and resolutions.
9) Finance:
On commencement the group will not be involved in raising finances. Once established this matter will be reviewed by the group to determine whether this is something it would wish to pursue.
10) Dissolution:
It is a statutory requirement for the practice to have a Patient Group meetings should be via face to face meetings or a virtual or online group.
11) Alterations to the Constitution:
Any proposal to alter this constitution will be discussed at the Annual General Meeting with tabled amendments agreed via consensus of the group to be discussed and formally agreed at an Executive Committee Meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
This constitution was amended and adopted as the Constitution of the PPG at a meeting of the PPG at Ilfracombe Medical Centre on Tuesday 02 April 2019 at 12 noon.
Agreed and Signed by Executive Committee Members:
Gloria Satchwell
Terry Elliot
Chris Davis
Eric Hayes
Tuesday 04 June 2019